Blood Red Skies

by Judas Priest

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:22 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Ram It Down

Song Author

Glenn Tipton / Rob Halford / K.K. Downing

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: AllJudasPriest


1st → Vocals: Rob
2nd → Guitar: K.K.
3rd → Guitar: Glenn
4th → Drums: Dave
5th → Bass: Ian
6th → Synth: Don
7th → Effects: Don

File Size

100 KB




As the sun goes down, I move a round. Keep ing to the sha dows Life, hangs by a thread and I've heard it said, that I'll not see to mor row If that's my des ti ny, it 'll have to be. So I'll face the fu ture Run ning out _ of time, I'm on the line. But I'll go down fight _ ing Felt the hand of jus tice, tell ing wrong from right Threw me out _ u pon _ the street in the mid dle of the night Cy ber net ic heart beat, dig i tal pre cise Pneu ma tic fin gers near ly had me in their vice Not beg ging you. I'm tell ing you You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll fight you un der blood red skies _ Through a shat tered ci ty, watched by la ser eyes O ver head the night squad glides the de cay ing pa ra dise _ Au to ma tic sni per wiith com pu ter sights Scans the bleak ho ri zon for its vic tim of the night They're clos ing in. They'll nev er win You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll fight you un der blood red skies _ As the end is draw ing near Stand ing proud, I won't give in to fear As I die a leg end will be born I will stand, I will fight. you'll nev er take me a live I'll stand my ground. I won't _ go down You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll face you un der blood red skies _ You'll nev er take me a live _ I'm tel ling you hands of jus tice _ I will stand, I will fight. Nev er sur ren der. Nev er sur ren der


It is imperative to follow the 5.2 notices located throughout. The song is mostly complete except for a few sound effects that GuitarPro cannot duplicate. The bar 73 thing was an attempt to create the swirling air raid. It is also imperative to keep the Master Reverb that you see to your right where it is, as this makes it sound best.This was checked for accuracy by playing along with the real track song!